Sunday, July 21, 2013

Photo Shoot - Day 1

Today's shoot ... successful and completed!

My deepest gratitude goes out to La Bottega in Vancouver, WA, Barbara Hill Photography, and Beigeblond for the incredibly awesome work they put in to pull this off. It's not every Sunday that folks are willing to roll out of bed at 6am to help create something amazing! And let's certainly not forget Crystal and Deanna ... my two beautiful models ... without them ... well ... the clothes would still be hanging on the rack.
Additional thanks to my amazing husband ... he managed to help keep it all together so we could do this.
And finally ... to Harmony Art Organic Design for the incredible fabrics, Hourglass Footwear for the omigod pumps, Wasataylor & Steamed Circus for the accessories, and Neema Bags for the spot-on handbags.
While I cannot release shots of the actual garments until they have been released at Fashion Week San Diego, I can release this test shot that we did ...


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