Sunday, July 28, 2013

In the News!!!

It's been an exciting week!  Handed out more than a few fliers at our events this week to those interested in learning more about the project.  And our story was published in Saturday's Columbian, our local newspaper.
In the Living Section ... above the fold!

and if that wasn't cool enough ... we were featured in the upper right corner of the front page, right under the banner!!!

I don't know about you ... but I think that's pretty damned cool!!!
And ... in case you haven't been following along on our Facebook page ... this goes hand in hand with our Kickstarter Project.  Which, by the way, we're excited to announce that we've reached 1/3 of our goal with only 14 days to go  =)
If you have a moment, please check out our project and share it forward ... we'd appreciate it immensely if you did.
Just wanted to share ... and if you would be so kind as to please share this with your friends and families ... I'd really appreciate the love.

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