Thursday, September 27, 2012

Our Main Ingredient is Love!

We are currently directing the company into having a more ecologically aware and environmentally friendly product base ... changes such as these will take time to blossom into something incredibly amazing ... and we won't be excluding anyone with the new direction of our clothing designs. We will always be searching for the best possible options in materials from which to create our products for our customers.

Our raincoats & umbrellas will continue to be a staple product until a better material is available from which to create them. In fact, our entire 2012 clothing line was sourced from 100% cotton, organic knits, or bamboo/cotton blend fabrics. Not a single textile was synthetic ... already a positive ecological footprint.  Over the course of the next few years, we will be switching over our fabrics from the conventional textiles used in our garments to fabrics that are more organic in nature and better for the environment ... better for the people who choose to wear our garments.

That is not to say that the products we currently make are not good for you ... because they are.  The main ingredient which goes into each garment made by Second Star Designs is LOVE ... which is an ingredient that you won't find in any big box store ... and an ingredient that turns any negative vibration or aspect of the materials used into one that is positive ... one that you will love just as much as we do!

As we move into 2013 we will continue to create those products which you have come to know and love ... improving them as we are able, at a price that is reasonable for everyone ... and wrapping them up with a generous sprinkling of Love ♥

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