Friday, June 3, 2016

Manifestation vs Borrowing

Manifestation of abundance is a 5D practice.
Borrowing toward an end result is a 3D paradigm.
Manifestation involves paying the benefits forward.
Borrowing involves paying the benefits back.
Manifestation is a gift.
Borrowing is a debt.
These are the lessons learned on our recent excursion to Lightning in a Bottle. We manifested our acceptance, our placement, and our opportunity to do what we do best in the sharing of our gifts with humanity.
To be able to fully immerse our placement upon this path, we borrowed to cover our travel expenses. We were graciously abundant and profitable at this event ... but those profits will be going to repay what we borrowed to get there ... at the expense of having to cancel our event in Colorado in August.
That's a huge price to pay for a small business working its ass off to place its gifts in as many hands as possible. I'm not ungrateful for having traveled this particular path ... simply wiser.
Lesson learned and Paid in Full.
- Zephyr

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