Monday, February 1, 2016

It's been a really ... REALLY long time!


2015 ... not really sure where it went ... but, it's gone.

For that matter, so is January of 2016.

We've been a bit busy.  Festivals and a few more festivals.  Unschooling our youngest.
And then the holiday season.


Like an incredible dream from which you awaken, unable to remember the details yet knowing the whole experience was absolutely incredible.

yeah.  like that.

So ... I'm back ... in the saddle, so to speak.
Heading in a new direction with our little soap company, making enormously wonderful products.

And to kick off this whole "new perspective, new direction" sort of thing, I tweaked the recipe for our amenity soaps a smidge ... added a bit of natural, swirly color to the recipe.


Excited to see how it all turns out ...

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