Friday, August 30, 2013

Made for a Woman ...

"Strong enough for a man ... but made for a woman!"

That's the marketing gimick that's been associated with Secret Deodorant since the beginning of time.  And it's no wonder ... it's a phrase that, when combined with the ultra-feminine packaging, totally appeals to every aspect of a woman's psyche.  It's pretty.  It smells good.  And on our sweatiest, highest stress days ... we still come out of it smelling like a rose.

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, Secret Deodorant carries no acute or chronic health effects.

Well ... if you overlook that nasty aluminum ingredient ...
and talc ...
and cyclomethicone ...
and behenyl alcohol ...
and pentadecalactone ...
of course there are no serious health effects!

And when you take into consideration that aluminum in deodorants cause breast cancer and Alzheimer's ... well, you can completely understand why this particular brand specifically targets women.  And if you cannot, let's just say that there's a fuckton of money to be made off of cancer research [especially breast cancer research] ... and the more women using conventional deodorants that contain harmful chemicals, the more women that you have fall into a higher-than-normal risk for breast cancer and other related diseases that the pharmaceutical companies can then make money off of ... it's a vicious cycle perpetuated by greed.

So ... let's take a closer look at these ingredients ...

Aluminum [in any form] - a strong human neurotoxicant and an endocrine disruptor that is directly linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Talc - proven to cause tissue injury and fibrosis; is also a skin and lung irritant
Cyclomethicone - a silicone-based solvent and is used as a "wetting agent" for personal care products
Behenyl Alcohol - a saturated, fatty alcohol used as an emollient, emulsifier and thickener in cosmetics
Pentadecalactone - a perfume and/or fragrance ingredient added to health and beauty products.  It is a pheromone derived from the male human and is used to attract females; in OTC body products, it is included in it's synthetic form.


Personally, for years and years, I fell under the sing-song spell of this particular brand.

And then quit ... cold turkey ... about three years ago.
I plan on remembering who my kids are when I'm 90.
I also plan on having both of my breasts.

But ... I still sweat.  And on really, really warm days ... I prefer smelling more like a flower than a gym sock.

So ... I did the research ... formulated a few recipes ... and voilá!

Organic Deodorant

Only 4 ingredients ... tested on pregnant women & teens ['cuz they can really sweat] ... and no complaints.
No clogged pores.  No yucky ingredients.  Made by a women ... for humanity.

Three scents are available ... more to come!

Chamomile & Lavender
Mother Earth [bergamot, cassia root, cedarwood, nutmeg, lavadin, & peppermint]
Basil, Sage & Mint

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