Monday, June 10, 2013

Countdown to Hollywood!

We're in the last days before our trip to Hollywood for the LA Press Conference ...

These last couple weeks have been split between preparations for this event and re-stocking our organic body products.

This morning, the shoes for our debut garment arrived via FedEx from Hourglass Footwear!
[gotta love them ... always so quick with their deliveries]

Of course ... the contents are Top Secret until after the 19th  =)

And ... doncha know ... a Designer HAS to have something new to wear ... just in case a photo [or two] is taken.  So ... I've been working on a new look just for that occasion.

Might need some sort of handbag ...

Took all afternoon to create ... but I think it will work well with the shoes.
Oh ... and it's all from recycled materials that I received from one of our Sponsors:  Rose City Upholstery!

Can't wait!

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