Sunday, November 25, 2012

Beauty Berries & Birch Trees

You could say that I've been on vacation this past month ... not really ... but it sure could be considered something like that.

Time has flown since the last post ... lots of time.  Time that was necessary to heal a few things from my psyche.  Oh ... and we've been a bit busy.

We began our morning walks again ... not as frequently as last year ... but morning walks none-the-less.

Fall is amazing in town ... the leaves are changing, the Beauty Berries in bloom, and every now and then, you stumble across a peeling Birch Tree.

Fred has some new friends.  After a few weeks' getting to know the place, they've become part of the family.  Quite the talkers they are ... gigglers, too.  They've recently discovered how to get out of the garden and chuckle between themselves when they get caught ... literally.

No eggs from them yet, but it's winter and eggs will come soon enough.

With Christmas just around the corner, we're finding ourselves a bit short on cash, yet abundant in the realm of imagination and resources.  For all intents and purposes, it looks like it will truly be a hand-crafted Christmas.
And with less than a month to go, it's looking like I'd better get started  =)

In the meantime, with 2013 just a few short months away, we've started on our Spring/Summer 2014 clothing lines for the runway.  Lots of organic fabrics in loose-fitting designs.  And with the recent opening of opportunistic doors, there's more potentials for 2013 than ever before imagined.

In addition to children's clothing, we're expanding our line to include grown-ups ... an avenue that is becoming quite the adventure.

For now ... that's about all there is going on in our little corner of the world.  There have been trials and tribulations, challenges and clearings this past month.  And I expect there to be more before the year is out.  Hopefully, those on the horizon will be a bit easier to navigate than the ones up until now have been.


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