Saturday, October 13, 2012

My name is Caryn ... and I've been a Facebook User since 2008.

With the most recent changes implemented by Facebook this past week, I was disheartened to discover that the posts that I have been making on both my personal and business pages are no longer being shown to my total audience.

With over 300 followers on my Second Star Designs Fan Page, instead of each post being shown to 150 or more people ... now, only 20-30 people are seeing my posts.

And the automatic Twitter feed linking my FB Fan Page to my Twitter account has been deactivated.

In order for my potential customers to see anything that is posted on my Fan Page, Facebook now requires you to promote your post ... for a fee.

$7.00 per promotion.

Or ... you could pay for advertising ... a minimum of $1/day for pageviews.

Since Facebook went public, it was only a matter of time before they did away with the small business social media promotions ... requiring all businesses to pay for advertising on an otherwise "free" platform.

Times are a-changing.

And in a similar manner as the migration of MySpace users to the "new" social media platform known then as Facebook ... it's time to once again migrate to a new platform.


It's Facebook + Twitter + MySpace ... without the game feeds.

I'm there.

Check it out ... ... the future of social media  =)

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